In addition to her new book, Contemporary Cuban Dance: Técnica Cubana as Revolutionary Movement, Suki is published in The New York Times, The Village Voice, Dance Magazine, Pointe, Ballet-tanz International, Four Seasons Magazine, The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Dance, Caribbean Dance, Abakuá to Zouk: How Movement Shapes Identity, and Dance Research Journal. Open these pages to see scholarly and journalistic articles she’s written, and those where she’s been quoted, reviewed or interviewed.

“Aging-In-Penché, chapter fro Transformation & Continuance: Jennifer Muller
“The Técnica Cubana,” Caribbean Dance: From Abakuá to Zouk Modern Dance in Cuba,” Dance Research Journal
Review of National Rhythms/African Roots and Tango, Dance Research Journal
(click links to access)
Bearing Balanchine – The New York Times: Creating On-Line Guide to Gay Activities – The New York Times
Career Transition For Dancers – The New York TimesThe New York Times
Sh’Ma (Making the Holocaust Real for Inner-City Youths) – The New York Times
Dancing in the Dark: A New York choreographer works for love in Cuba – Village Voice
(click links to access)

Project Muse
For the full review visit: Project Muse Review
“Not unlike contemporary dance itself, Contemporary Dance in Cuba is a “ hearty, subversive hybrid” (152) that challenges academic conventions as it furthers understandings of Cuban dance and the global history of contemporary dance. While providing an insider’ s look into Cuban movement, John demonstrates that understanding the history of twentieth century theatrical dance demands looking beyond the U.S. and Europe.”
Elizabeth Schwall, Columbia University – Dance Research Journal Dec. 2013
Packaged Press from the Most Recent Book Event
Suki offered a reading, media presentation, and signing on October 19, 2013 at 4 pm, at Collected Works Bookstore & Coffeehouse in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Below you will find the event flyer and a couple of photos. The radio broadcast of the event can be found here. Video footage to follow.
On March 13, 2013 as the book was freshly printed, Suki traveled back to another alma mater, NYUfor the first book event with her new publication. With a large crowd, Dr. John offered the opportunity for people to meet, watch and hear all about her latest accomplishment.