Explore Suki's current projects of focus below....
Suki has had the pleasure of collaborating with many exceptional artists including composers Joel Diamond, Ernesto Márquez, SUBA, Kenny Pearson, Amiel Stewart, and Till Meyn; directors Bill Conte, Shannon Marshall, and Peter Wallace; co-producers Ninotchka Bennahum and Narciso Medina; photographers Casey Stoll, Bob Schaffer, and David Garten, whose wonderful images grace the volume Cuban Contemporary Dance; lighting designers Phil Sandstrom and Roma Flowers; scenic designers Eduardo Arrocha and Bojana Ristic; and costume designers Murell Horton, Bjanca Adzic, Nancy duBois, Patty Sayers, Alfonso Tarazona, and Vlada.

The Sh'ma Project for Holocaust and Human Rights Art and Education
Suki is bringing back her major work, Sh'ma as an artistic and educational project to be performed all over the state of Texas, pairing it with educational workshops for high school and college students. She wrote the libretto, directed and choreographed SH’MA, an evening-length choreodrama based on her family’s experience in the Holocaust. She collaborated on the original score with Yugoslav composer Mitar Subotic, a.k.a. SUBA. The work was commissioned by the People’s Theater of Yugoslavia and premiered in 1990 with 25 performers in Novi Sad, part of the Former Yugoslavia.
With the help of a space grant from the 92nd Street Y, Suki served as producer, fundraiser, grant writer, choreographer, dancer, and public relations director to revive SH’MA in New York with 13 dancers, 2 actors and 1 singer for the Harkness Dance Center Jewish Voices Series in 1998; Washington Irving HS and Temple Beth Shalom, 1999. A 40-minute version was produced by the US Army Communications Command, Montmouth, NJ, 1999. One scene was presented in the First New York Festival of Jewish Culture, at YIVO, 2001. Suki is committed to bringing SH’MA, her most important work, to diverse settings and companies.
Go to to join this project!!
dance2degrees is an international moment of dance designed to bring awareness to the existential issue of climate change, and to give global citizens ideas for action.
Dancers in New York City and Fort Worth, Texas disrupted business as usual in well-traveled spaces over the last few Earth Days, April 22 annually Surprising and delighting passers-by, sharing globally on social media, dance2degrees directs viewers to a clearing house of information about what YOU can do to combat climate change. Climate justice is social justice.
Our plan is to Our organize dance2degrees
internationally on every Earth Day until the issue of climate change is addressed proactively worldwide.
2 Degrees Celsius: the crucial tipping point for climate change
Recent Choregraphy
Suki is currently re-mounting her work Wall fo Babel for the Scott Theater performances of DanceTCU in Fort Worth, TX. Her tango for 11 women, Unconditional, was enthusiastically received last spring.
In fall 2018, Suki traveled to University of North Carolina School fo the Arts (link will take them to all)
Suki has choreographed six works with composer Joel Diamond, including Havana Love Letters and L'Dor V'Dor.
A sample of some of Suki's choreographic work are accessible by clicking the teal button above.
Her favorite choregraphic works include:
Havana Love Letters/ Cartas de Amor